1. Roles Management 

If you want to configure roles, one of the ways of doing it is Roles ManagementFirst of all, you’ll need to select Roles Management tab (Picture 25).


Picture 25. Roles management tab

1.2. Creation of the new role

If you want to create a new role, you will need to press on the Add button, in the bottom-right corner of the screen (Picture 26).

Picture 26. Roles management 

After you’ve pressed on the Add button, Create new Role will pop-up, where you can pick in advance, on what role it will be based (Picture 27). Then, it will pop-up in the Roles list  (Picture 28).

Picture 27. Create new role forms

Picture 28. Roles list

1.3. Configuration of the roles

A new role can be also configured for the needs of the System. For example, if you click on the name of the role, you’ll get a full view of the permissions for it (Picture 29).

Picture 29. Permissions

In this page, you can provide roles with different permissions, by checking Permit checkboxMoreover, you can write down Resource Conditionwhich is responsible for the display of certain elements for different roles. For example, condition on Picture 30, is responsible for the display of all dashboards, except for ‘Lot’ dashboard, for Demo role.

Picture 30. Condition example

2.  Roles Matrix

A simpler way of the roles configuration is - Roles Matrix. Unlike Roles Management, it only contains checkboxes, all of the roles, without the ability to write down any conditions or adding a new role. This way is faster if you don’t want to write down any condition or create a new role, but just to checkmark permissions. In order to get to it, you should press on the Roles Matrix, in the Administration menu (Picture 31).

Picture 31. Roles Matrix in Administration menu

After you’ve pressed on it, you’ll see Roles Matrix page (Picture 32). Here, as you can see, you can give permissions to all of the roles on the one page.

Picture 32. Roles Matrix