1. Metrics
If you’ll open Metrics tab (Picture 5), here you as an Administrator, can monitor different resources and requests of the System. Metrics has different blocks with parameters, such as JVM Metrics. HTTP requests and Services statistics.
Picture 5. Metrics tab
JVM Metrics (Picture 6) represents different metrics on the tenant. It has such internal parameters, like:
Total Memory
Heap Memory
Non-Heap Memory
Thread is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions, this group shows different threads, such as:
Timed waiting
If more information is needed, Administrator can get it by pressing on the , where he will get information on the Threads dump. In Threads dump Administrator can see Stacktrace, where error details can be shown (Picture 7).
Garbage collections is a group that is responsible for the memory that will be released, and has this sub-points:
Mark Sweep count
Mark Sweep time
Scavenge count
Scavenge time
Picture 6. Metrics - JVM Metrics
Picture 7. JVM Metrics - Threads dump
HTTP requests have different parameters (Picture 8), such as:
Code that shows failed and successful requests. Where requests that have succeeded are represented as Ok (200), Not found (400) as bad request and Server Error (500) as an Internal Server Error;
Count of the requests;
Mean number of requests of the certain Code;
Average (1, 5, 15 minutes) number of Code for a period of time.
Picture 8. Metrics - HTTP requests
Services Statistics shows number of function calls and has information about (Picture 9):
Service name shows call methods names;
Count shows how many times service was called;
P50, P75, P95, P99 - shows percentage of the successfulness, availability of the service and reliability;
Mean, Min, Max.
Picture 9. Metrics - Services statistics
Moreover, if you’ll choose a specific MS name in the Application Metrics, for example, balance, like in Picture 10, instance for this microservice will be shown near Service name and additional information in Services Statistics will appear (Picture 11).
Picture 10. MS name
Picture 11. DataSource statistics
Health page is responsible for monitoring of the System (Picture 12). It uses Spring Boot Actuator’s health endpoint to give health information on various parts of the application. Many health checks are provided out-of-the-box by Spring Boot Actuator, and it’s also very easy to add application-specific health checks.
Picture 12. Health page
Moreover, if there’s needed details on the certain service, administrator can check them by pressing on the in the Details. After that he will get additional information about properties of the certain microservice(Picture 13).
Picture 13. Health details