This section provides a description of the architecture.

In order to get to the Administration, first of all, you’ll need to see its architecture with microservices (Picture 1). implements micro-service architecture having the following components in place.

Picture 1. High Level Architecture

1. Unified Web Frontend 

Universal frontend for Customers, Customer Service, Contact Center & Back-Office. Collects information from backend components, and 3rd party-data sources. Presents data and functions on configuration-based Dashboard-styled interface for every group of users.

2. Proxy

Front End request proxy and request route management. 

Core functions:

  • SSL termination

  • Incoming request handling

  • Proxy API bypass

  • Serving static http content

  • First level cache

3S3 Storage

S3 storage is a storage for the public content like avatars, images, landing pages. Content storage is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability.

4. Gateway

Gateway registers back end components, allowing to scale system by demand in real time. 

Gateway main responsibilities:

  • API request routing

  • security and access control policy

  • automatic api documentation

5. UAA

User authentication and authorization module implementing OAuth2 authorisation protocol, two-factor authentication and centralized Identity Management platforms.

  • User registration and forgot password functionality.

  • Role-based and Attribute-based access control.

  • Social Login (Facebook, Google, Linkedin).

  • 2 step authentication with email confirmation.


A runtime application on which all applications registers and get their configuration from. It also provides runtime monitoring dashboards.

7. Entity Microservice

Represents business entities like, but not limited to: 

  • Subscribers, 

  • Companies, 

  • Accounts, 

  • Resources, 

  • Agreements, 

  • Orders, 

  • Contacts, 

  • Products, Handlings etc. 

Entity microservice allows to configure entities lifecycles, additional business attributes and business controls, relation between entities (horizontal and hierarchical). All entities attributes, life cycle and business scenarios are configuration-based and provides run-time possibility to modify data structure.

8Timeline Microservice

Stores and presents all historical information about system events and entities updates. Timeline provides high-speed data access for event filtering.

9. Balance Microservice

Represents balance management API, hi level financial operations and by demand integration point with 3rd party payment channels.

10Dashboard Microservice

Dashboard manages all user’s interactive dashboards and widgets with static and dynamic information and functions based on the configuration and access control rules.

11Config Microservice

Stores and presents configuration in SVC for all modules and microservices. 

Provides real-time configuration refresh functionality.